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HomeEventsEast Shore Flex Tuesday December 17 -- CANCELED

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East Shore Flex Tuesday December 17 -- CANCELED

Date and Time

Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM

Event Contact(s)

Howard Ross


a) Ride Leader Assigned

Registration Info

Registration is not Required

About this event

After all of the cold, the weather is predicted to be in the 50's with sunshine. Can we take advantage of a good weather day with a ride?
Let's depart 5 Bridges Fitness at 1:00 pm and enjoy a C paced ride on a downtown loop of about 26 miles. We'LL ride out Crooked Hill to Apollo and through Wildwood to Linglestown and the bike path out to Fort Hunter and the extended loop, then through town to Forster and reverse to Linglestown and back up to 5 Bridges. This is a fairly flat ride at a true C pace since many of us have not ridden in a while due to the weather.