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Three Creek Century Home Safety Information Event Information Registration Routes & Ride Details Trifecta Directions & Lodging FAQs Volunteer Instructions  

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Register via Postal Mail:

If you prefer, you can also register by: Paper Registration Formand mailing along with your check to the address on the form.




Frequently Asked Questions


What does my registration fee include?

Your registration fee includes participation in the event, lunch during/after your ride, snacks & beverages at all rest stops, Ride with GPS files for the routes, and SAG support while on the course.


Why should I register online?

When you register online, you receive the convenience of signing up, paying online instantly, confirming your registration, and receiving additional customer service.  Online registration will make registering fast and easy, and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.  You can also forward information about the event to other participants.  Online registration is available via credit card.


Can I register the day of the ride? 

Yes!  We will take day-of-event registrations via cash or credit card at the registration table.  The registration table will be open from 7:00 AM until 1:00 PM on the day of the event.

What do I do once I arrive at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company site?

There is plenty of free parking available at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company location. Please note that overnight parking is not permitted at the fire company complex.

Upon arrival, registrants should check in at the registration table.  You will be given a wristband, which will identify you as a paid participant eligible for rest stops and support services.  Riders cycling on the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail can check in at either the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company or at the Newville Trailhead located at 23 McFarland Street in Newville.


Who should contact if I need additional information?

For further information and details, please contact Event Chairperson Mike Loomis at


Is the ride open to everyone?

Yes!  You do not have to be a member of the Harrisburg Bicycle Club to participate.  The event is open to the general public, and all bicycle riders are welcome.

Helmets are required on this ride and all HBC rides.

Interested in joining the Harrisburg Bicycle Club?  Please visit our website at


If I come alone, can I find someone else to ride with?

Cyclists at group events like these are normally a friendly bunch and welcome people to ride with them as long as they can keep the same pace. 


Are e-bikes permitted on this ride?  What about tandems or recumbent bikes?

Yes!  We welcome all kinds of bicyclists and all kinds of bicycles to this event.  

What are the earliest and latest times I can start the routes and when will I have to be completed?

This is a “show and go” event; there is no mass start.  Riders may enter the course any time after 7:00 AM.  To ensure that we clear the roads by 5:00 PM, riders must enter the course no later than:

  • 8:00 AM if you are going to ride 100 or more miles
  • 9:30 AM if you are riding between 51 to 85 miles
  • 1:00 PM for the routes under 33 miles
  • Cumberland Valley Rail Trail riders should arrive at the Newville Trailhead on McFarland Street between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM

All riders must be off the routes by 5:00 PM. 


Are there rest stops, and what are the times they are open?

Refreshments are available at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM.  Lunch offerings will be available at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company from 10:30 AM until 3:00 PM.

Please see the Event Information page for details on where rest stops are on the routes and when they will be open.


Will parking be available?

There will be plenty of free parking at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company location on the day of the event.  Overnight parking is not permitted at the fire company complex.  There is parking at the Newville Trailhead of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail.


Is the event “rain or shine”?

Yes!  The event will be conducted regardless of the weather.  Please check the weather forecast for Newville, PA on the day of the event and come prepared to ride in the forecast conditions.  Fall weather in Central Pennsylvania typically consists of temperatures in the low 60’s and low humidity.


Do I have to ride the whole 100+ miles, or is there a shorter ride available?

The Three Creek Century consists of four road routes that all loop back to the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company site.  The shortest road route is about 20 miles and the longest is about 51 miles.  You can ride any single route, or combine them to ride as far as you want, as long as you are off the roads by 5:00 PM.  

There is also the option of riding the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail.  We will have one rest stop at the Newville Trailhead and another rest stop at Shippensburg Township Park, which are 9.1 miles apart, so an out and back ride on the CVRT would be 18.2 miles.


What are the routes like?

Please see the Routes & Ride Details section for a description of each of the routes.  We offer a range of routes to accommodate novice riders, trail riders, and experienced cyclists.


Will the routes be marked?

All routes (except the Rail Trail) will have color-coordinated road markings for the entire route.

Ride With GPS files will also be available for all routes at least 10 days before the event.

In order to reduce waste, we will not have pre-printed cue sheets at the event.  If you prefer to use a printed cue sheet, you can print one using the links on the Routes & Ride Details page or use the “print cue sheet” option from the Ride with GPS files.


Will there be bathrooms available?

Yes, there will be porta-johns and bathrooms along the routes, at rest stops, and at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company complex.  There are also several "unofficial" water and bathroom stops in parks and at convenience stores along the way.  


What are the safety rules?

Our goal is to put on an event that is safe, incident free, and enjoyable for all riders.  Riders should obey all Federal and State guidance, Pennsylvania bicycle laws, and the Harrisburg Bicycle Club’s rules for this event.  

This event takes place on public roads that are not blocked off for the event.  Please be considerate of our local traffic by staying to the right of the roadway and allowing vehicular traffic to pass.  Please obey all traffic laws, officers, and event staff as directed. 

Helmets are required for all riders in this event.  Listening devices of any kind, such as headsets, ear buds, or speakers are prohibited from being used while riding in this event.  This event is a ride, not a race.  Riding in a pace line or multi-cyclist drafting is not permitted.  


How do I prepare for a 100 mile ride?

It’s important to put in the necessary amount of “base miles” to build endurance and stamina before the day of the event.  Most experts suggest starting a training plan 2 to 3 months ahead of the event.  There are many online sources that offer training plans for a century ride, such as,, and

What if I can't finish my ride?

If you are unable to continue at any point during your ride, please call the phone number shown on your event wristband.  A SAG (Support and Gear) vehicle will be dispatched to your location to pick you up and return you to the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company site or the nearest rest stop.


What should my family/friends do if they want to see me complete this event?

We strongly encourage all family members, friends, and photographers to stay off the event routes.  Driving alongside cyclists is dangerous for both the motorist and the cyclist.  If family or friends would like to see you riding, there is plenty of room at rest stops and at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company to greet riders.  


What will the support be on the Ride?

This event is supported by event staff at the start/finish location and at rest stops, and by SAG vehicles that will be roaming the routes.  Event staff will carry mobile phones for communications.  Emergency response services from local municipalities will be aware of the event and available as needed.  If riders have a true emergency, they should dial 911.  

If there are less urgent needs, riders can contact the SAG vehicles via the number on their wristband, or go to the nearest rest stop.  

Mechanics from local bike shops will be available before and after the event to assist as needed.  They will be stationed at the Penn Township Volunteer Fire Company site, the Newville Trailhead of the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, and Shippensburg Township Park.

SAG vehicles will be designated with event signage and will patrol the routes to provide assistance to riders who need a lift or have mechanical difficulties on the route.  The SAG vehicles may be able to offer some assistance in the event of a flat tire or basic mechanical issue, but they are mainly utilized to bring riders back to a rest stop or start location.


What kind of bike do I need for this event?

You are free to ride any type of bike you would like for this event, including e-bikes.  

The majority of this event takes place on paved roads, so any road bike would certainly be a good choice.  If you choose to ride a hybrid bike or mountain bike, it is best if the bike is fitted with low profile tires that are slick or have minimal tread.  Tires with a knobby tread pattern will also work; you’ll just burn a few more calories!

For the Cumberland Valley Rail Trail, the surface is crushed stone.  Any bike with tires that are at least 28 mm or 1 inch wide will be fine, and wider tires will be even better.  


What items should I bring along for this event?

  • Your bicycle
  • Helmet – required for all riders
  • Water bottle(s)
  • Rain gear if necessary
  • Sunscreen
  • Flat tire kit including a spare tube, tire pump, and tire levers
  • A basic cycling tool kit and any parts you might need
  • Anti-chafing ointment and pain reliever (if needed)
  • Personal ID and medical insurance cards
  • Shoes appropriate for cycling
  • Mobile phone, if you have one
  • Face covering or mask, if required by Federal or State guidelines or desired by the participant

Do not bring headphones, ear buds, or listening devices — they are illegal to use while riding a bicycle and are not allowed on the ride.


Follow the Three Creek Century on Facebook to get updates and get in contact with other riders.  After the ride, we encourage you to post your Three Creek Century photos.


Thank You for supporting the Harrisburg Bicycle Club and our Grant Program!