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Ride Leader Training for 2020

Published on 12/18/2019

January 2020 changes to Ride Leader Training, Sweeps, and Flex Rides. (UPDATED)


Ride Leader Training

  • Existing Ride Leaders will continue to renew their Ride Leader Training every 3 years.We will notify you in your 3rd year and you’ll have until December 31st of that year to complete the training.
  • Ride Leaders who were “grandfathered” in without training can continue to lead rides but must complete the actual Ride Leader training by December 31st, 2021.
  • 2020 Ride Leader training will be held on below dates. More training will be announced in the Fall.
  • Wednesday March 18, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. at the Hershey Medical Center Cancer Institute, Room T4007
  • Wednesday March 25, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church


Sweep Credit and Training

Recognizing the value that the Sweep role brings to our club rides, we will start giving Sweep credits in a manner similar to Ride Leader credits. 

  • Members who have completed the Ride Leader Training will get ½ credit for being the Sweep on a club ride.So, if you Sweep on 4 club rides, it’s the same credit as being a Ride Leader for 2 rides.
  • Sweep credits will be applied to club rides with 8 or more riders (including Leader and Sweep)
  • Members who haven’t taken the Ride Leader Training can still Sweep, they just won’t get the credits towards club rewards
  • Sweep credits will be combined with Ride Leader credits and used for Ride Leader gifts and recognition, free attendance at the HBC Banquet, and other goodies.


Flex Ride protocols

  • Flex rides should be announced on the HBC website at least 12 hours prior to the ride departure time.This will give all HBC members an opportunity to participate in Flex rides.
  • Multiple Flex rides are permitted to overlap as long as there is a difference in the rides.That could be a different departure time, or different location, or different distance or pace.


CPR & First Aid

  • CPR & First Aid training will be offered on a voluntary basis to any HBC member who would like to take it.More info on dates will be coming.
  • Ride Leaders who take CPR & First Aid will be reimbursed for the cost after completion.All others will pay a nominal fee for the training.


Training is FREE, but to attend you must be an HBC member and register by contacting Cindy Gorski at  or 717-960-9010


To register please include:

  1. Which training you are registering for Mechanicsburg or Hershey
  2. Name
  3. Email address
  4. Phone number
  5. Area you wish to lead rides
  6. Ride category you wish to lead
  7. If you are a current ride leader
  8. If you have taken HBC ride leader training in the past
  9. Any questions or concerns you wish to be covered at the training



  • Go to
  • Click on Members Only tab
  • In the drop down menu Click on Ride Scheduling System
  • In the next menu that pops up Click on Trained Ride Leaders
  • There you will find the members that took Ride Leader Training each year and when their training expires