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2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade

Larry P Wasser | Published on 3/20/2023

Harrisburg, PA March 18,2023 Harrisburg Bicycle Club

I felt like a nervous bride all week checking the weather for rain. Please don’t rain on our parade I thought. I am no Barbra Streisand, but I can be a “ Funny Girl “ . Well , it didn’t . I had planned three rides for Saturday, March 18 - ambitious, might even be the record for the club. However, if you know me, I can be an overachiever.

“Ricks Saturday Morning Ramble “ 9:30 from Fort Hunter 7 riders arrived and yes it was cold , barely 40 with wind and the sun playing peak a boo . We did a 15-mile road and trail ride with 5 of us planning to do the other two rides planned for the day.

Ride #2 – “Going to the Parade “13 riders and 2 who missed the ship “Funny Girl” analogy but made it to the Parade.  We departed the parking lot at the JCC after decorating our bikes and selves in our fabulous green attire and fixing two mechanical issues. A flat tire and a brake line needed reattached prior to departing, both issues were fixed and off we went. We rode up Front Street and across Harvey Taylor Bridge to the Westshore entrance of the Market Street Bridge/ City Island. (About 5 miles). Everyone was in high spirits and warming up physically and mentally for a great experience. A quick briefing before we joined the parade about what to expect if this was your first time participating.

Ride #3 : Saint Patrick’s Day Parade, Harrisburg, PA 2 members joined on City Island and the two who missed our departure at the JCC. Our 17 HBC members met Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg, Bike Harrisburg, and Pedego (Electric Bikes) Harrisburg

We now had a VERY impressive group of bikers and bikes. Young kids, Bike Taxis with happy passengers, experienced riders and new riders sharing the excitement with each other. You could not miss the “ Tall Bike “ built and ridden by Tim Chrockrem . The pictures and videos truly reflect the day. Yes, it was a bit chilly and windy on the bridge, but the adrenaline and endorphins took over bodies and the FUN had just begun. We biked/walked (it was a slow pace) handing out shamrock pencils, candy, HBC coloring books, our Lead Leprechaun ( Ross Willard) packets of Lucky Charm Cereal . Note for next year… more “goodies” we ran out quickly. We had many fans that day. I am heartfelt thankful to my loyal friends and new friends who came out to support this day with me including ( Marylou Martz and Lou Searles who didn’t ride but took pictures of us riding by ) . I have listed my participants and will share the pictures/ videos.

I do not know everyone by name that biked from Recycle Bicycle Harrisburg ( Ross Willard and group), Pedego Harrisburg, Mike his wife and Drew Soisson … does it really matter ?

We share the same passion, and it did NOT rain on our parade!

Diane Dankman- Riley

*** One ride* two rides** three rides ***

Karl Martz *
Dave Serf*
Mary Beth Yandrasitz***
Edith Eckerle **
Theresa and John Grosser***,
Loretta Charles**
Susan Tussey **
Brenda Bent**
Carol Varano **
Matthew Relkin **
im Chrockrem **
Dick Norford **
Nell Adom **
Dave Raub **
Erick Amon **
Eugen Pasquale **
Jack Withers *

For all the Photo, click below

2023 St. Patrick's Day Parade